Hello friends how are you Friends, in this which article we are going to tell you. If you have forgotten the password of your Instagram account and you are logged into your Instagram account. If you are logged into your Instagram account. You still want to reset your Instagram password. If you want to change it, then keep reading this article from beginning to end.
If you want to reset the password of your Instagram account. Regardless of the login, below are some steps, read them carefully.
1. Step:
To reset Instagram's password, go to Instagram Profile. Then click on the 3 line in the top corner.>>⚙️ settings>> log out
2. step
Go to the Instagram login page.>>click kare on get help with signing in>>entry username>>Click on next
3. step:
After clicking Next, two options will appear for resetting the password. Mobile number and email. You can do whatever you want to reset the password of your Instagram account, but now we will reset the password of the Instagram account via email. You have to click on send an email
4. step:
After clicking send an email. There will be a password reset link on the registration email id in your Instagram account, you have to open that email, then click on the reset password, as soon as you click on the set password, you will see the option to enter a new password. The password has to be filled and the confirm password has to be entered, after that click on reset, after clicking on it, the password of your Instagram account will be reset.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this article and the password of your Instagram account has been reset.